Mid-Career Years Are Messy!

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Y’all these mid-career years are no joke!

We’re in the middle of our career story, and this is where it gets messy.

Things are feeling incredibly unpredictable. There’s the overwhelm, the anxiousness, doubt, and the exhaustion!  Plus the to-do lists that just won’t quit.

We are thugging it out daily.

Notice I say “we” as in me, too.

Like I said last week, I’m NOT a career coach who has had a perfect career, and I’m also not someone who has it together ALL the time. #coachesarehumantoo

I woke up feeling so overwhelmed this morning and I wanted to share my thoughts because I know I can’t be alone. While there are so many things I am grateful for, there are also a ton of question marks lingering.

But I’m writing this to remind you (and myself!) that this is what happens in the middle of a story.

The middle brings a lot of confusion, questions, shifts, and changes. It calls on you to continue to evolve, and believe in yourself even when situations have gone left and you are wondering how the heck you will make it through.

It’s so tough, but we have to have faith that we’ll get to the next chapter that puts all of this into context and lets you see how this “messy middle” time is really working in our favor.

If you started this day or heck, this week, feeling like it’s A LOT, I see you. I’m there too, but I believe we got this.

And of course, I have to remind you that you don’t have to do it alone or on your own. (What can I say? Coach mode is activated!)  You deserve support. My DM’s are always open for questions or learning more about what coaching can do for you in the messy middle moments.

Hi, I'm Amber

I’m the Coach you call when you want to prioritize career success AND personal wellbeing. 

I love partnering with mid-career professionals, leaders, and entrepreneurs who are looking to reimagine all that their career can be. 

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Picture of by Amber J. Adams

by Amber J. Adams

Leadership & Career Development Coach. Wellness at Work Advocate. New Yorker.
