How to Feel More Confident Speaking Up At Work!

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Today, we’re diving into a question that has resonated with ALL of us at some point-the challenge of figuring out how to not only show up authentically at work as your brilliant self but also how to give and show your value to your team by confidently speaking up.

Whether you’re an introvert, navigating a new role, or a seasoned professional facing a persistent struggle, this one’s for you.

You can watch me answer this question via the video below, or scroll down and read the breakdown.

This is Q & A Wednesday, where I address career questions at the intersection of professional growth and well-being.

So, how do you overcome that internal block, make the impact you know you’re capable of, and become able to speak up confidently at work? Let’s break it down into four essential aspects – What’s happening, How do you feel, Where is it coming from, and, of course, What can you do?

What’s Happening?

Firstly, ‘What’s happening?’ invites you to identify the specific scenarios where you feel held back. Is it during meetings, one-on-ones, or perhaps in larger gatherings? Understanding the context helps unveil patterns that may be contributing to your hesitation.

Get A Read On How You Feel

Now, ask yourself ‘How do you feel?’ which is the gateway to unlocking your emotions in these moments. Picture yourself in the situations where you feel most blocked – is it a sense of nervousness, self-doubt, or a general blockage? This exploration sets the stage for the next step, which is…

Ask Yourself: Where Is It Coming From?

Finally, ‘Where is this feeling coming from?’ delves into the origins of these emotions. Is it a physical sensation, perhaps a discomfort in your chest or stomach? Or is it rooted in past experiences, like a negative comment from a former boss? Understanding the source is pivotal in moving forward.

When I was in my late twenties, I had a job experience that was so bad that it truly left me scared for years. It was a mix of me being in the wrong situation and microaggressions, but this was at a time when no one was talking about the emotional side of discrimination at work. It took me years of work to move past that experience, and the memory of that (and not wanting others to stay stuck in that space!) is what drives my work as a Coach today.

So, What Can You Do?

Now, let’s talk about ideas for what you can do to move yourself forward.

  • Start Small: If you’ve been holding back, begin by contributing in smaller situations. Gradually build confidence by expressing your thoughts in smaller groups. As you gain confidence, you can progressively increase your engagement.
  • Engage an Ally: Having a support system is invaluable. If possible, find a colleague or friend who can be your advocate. Discuss your ideas with them beforehand, allowing them to introduce and support you when the time comes.
  • Journaling: A simple yet powerful tool. Journal about the source of your feelings. What triggers this block? Understanding the root cause helps in developing strategies to overcome it.

If you resonate with this struggle, know that you have the power to change your narrative. Take small steps, build your support system, and embrace the journey of self-discovery.


Remember, you don’t have to navigate this alone. As a coach, this is the work that I truly love to do. I’d love to chat with you about how we can partner to help you build your confidence and reconnect with your power!

You got this.

And, if you have a question you’d love to see me answer, send it over! Contact me!

Hi, I'm Amber

I’m the Coach you call when you want to prioritize career success AND personal wellbeing. 

I love partnering with mid-career professionals, leaders, and entrepreneurs who are looking to reimagine all that their career can be. 

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Picture of by Amber J. Adams

by Amber J. Adams

Leadership & Career Development Coach. Wellness at Work Advocate. New Yorker.
