Amber Career Studio

Leadership Coaching

 A safe space to take your “leader” hat off so we can get real about what you really need to succeed in your role authentically

Can we be real?

Being a leader is damn hard.

You spend your days running from back-to-back meetings, making the big decisions, and struggling to keep your “leader” face on. 

And here’s the thing no one told you before you stepped up to lead: that one of the hardest parts of being a leader is trying to appear as if you have it all together, at all times. 

But, you’re human. And you need your moment to…

  • Step back and really think about the type of leader you want to be, 
  • Address the challenges that are diminishing your confidence, 
  • Understand what you need to be able to lead from a place of potential rather than fear.
You deserve to feel confident in your leadership potential and abilities. “Fake it, till you make it” isn’t a real strategy and even if things have been feeling a little rocky, you know you are capable of so much more. 


Leadership Coaching

Sessions Curated & Created For Leaders Like You.

The Elevate Sessions

A leadership coaching partnership created to meet you where you are

The Elevate Sessions were specifically crafted for managers, leaders, and directors who want to improve their performance by owning the challenge of building the confidence they need to lead authentically and effectively. 

These personalized coaching sessions were designed to help you unlock your potential, break free from self-imposed limitations, and help you understand what you need to be able to lead confidently and authentically. 

Think of these sessions as the the space where you can:

  • Safely unmask and set the “expectations” aside to understand what’s been holding you back at work. 
  • Develop a vision for what it would mean for you to be an impactful leader for your team, organization, and yourself. 
  • Co-create a roadmap with action steps you can take to move your vision forward.

Our work together is a deep dive, but we’ll have you taking action from Day 1. Over three months of working together we will refine your leadership mindset, clarify your needs, and help you make sustainable changes that will help you continue to move forward. 


Words From Past Clients

Personalized Sessions

Your Coaching Experience

Your Journey To Becoming A Confident Leader Starts Here

As your coach, my goal is to cultivate a supportive environment for you where you can feel safe in exploring your challenges.

I am committed to supporting your growth, the expansion of your leadership capabilities, and holding you accountable for the transformative work needed to elevate your confidence and performance. 

We’ll be working together over the course of our partnership to understand and overcome the self-doubt that has been keeping you stuck. 

If you are ready to step up to the challenge of reconnecting with your vision of the type of leader you want to be, I’m excited to speak with you! 


It's all answered in the FAQ

Is This For Me?

While the Elevate Sessions and coaching program are designed to meet you where you are, these sessions are most impactful for clients who have a deep desire and need to….


  • Switch self-doubt for self-belief so you can start leading with your hard-won skills, knowledge, and judgment.

  • Confidently and clearly communicate and advocate for yourself no matter who you are speaking to in your organization

  • Build up your confidence in your ability to be resilient so you can bounce back from the bad days without losing your faith in yourself and your ability to lead. 

  • Let go of the emotional baggage you are carrying around from old jobs and bosses so you can fully step into new opportunities.

  • Create your vision for how you want to be perceived as a leader and strategically understand how you can feel confident showing up in that waS

Our Coaching Partnership

"This is How We Do It"

Elevate Sessions are offered as a three-month coaching package which will be 7 personalized coaching sessions.  My goal is to help you achieve personal and professional transformation that is sustainable.  

I’m always here for additional support, and it is possible to extend our partnership beyond your initial coaching package. 

Here’s what your coaching program will encompass over our partnership:

Hi! I'm Your Coach, Amber J. Adams.

I know first hand how tempting it is to keep on “making it up as you go along and praying that you live to lead another day.” 

When I made the shift from Individual Contributor to executive leader, I learned the hard way that confidence doesn’t come automatically just because the words “leader, director, or manager” is added to your title. 

I spent way too long in the shadow of my doubts before finding the type of support I needed to confidently step up to the new challenges that were coming my way. 

Before I could rise, I had to start where I was. I had to open myself up to the realization that “what got me here, won’t get me there.”

Now as a Leadership and Executive Coach,  I get to bring my professional experience and the coaching frameworks I learned as a coaching student at Brown University together to help guide you. 

It is my honor to partner with you in building up the type of confidence that will give you the momentum to keep you moving forward no matter what comes your way.


Schedule your introductory call with me. You’ll be taken to a page where you’ll enter in your name, email, and answer a few questions that help me structure our convo. You’ll be directed to grab time on my calendar so we can formally meet and discuss our potential partnership.  I look forward to meeting you!

You might not know what “moving forward” looks like right now (this is where coaching enters the chat!), but you recognize that you are nearing the point or have reached the point of no return: you are tired of knowing that you have “potential” but not understanding how to access it. 

So why now? If you…


  • Have reached a point where you can see how staying stuck is costing you. (It might be in money, opportunities,  relationships in your personal life (as your career impacts everything!)
  • Are frustrated, tired, but still carrying a flicker of optimism about what your days and career can look like with a new approach 
  • Ready to invest in yourself and fight to turn that flicker into a big ass flame, a roaring fire if you will
  • Are coachable and open to self-exploration as a part of building your confidence and improving your performance

Now is the time for you to explore how coaching can help you move forward. Schedule a call!

Absolutely! I welcome partnering with you and your organization in your success. 

The verbiage here focuses on issues that intersect between personal and professional, but for organizational clients, I can send you a coaching proposal to share with your manager or leadership team that focuses specifically on the professional development goals that are most impactful for you and your organization and team. 

We can talk about it during our intro call!

People who aren’t coachable and have a fixed mindset or fatalistic thinking aren’t right for this partnership. 

People who don’t have any motivation to change their life right now. 

If you’re in a space where you don’t care what type of work you do (and how you do it), and you’re just in it for the paycheck, (no judgment!)  we’re probably not the best fit to work together. 

I tend to work with people who definitely care about their coins, but they care about HOW they are doing the work. In fact, a big source of their frustration is the disconnect between how they spend their days and how they actually WANT  to spend their days.

Clients who have worked with me have gained the confidence to approach their roles, careers, and lives in new ways that move them forward. 

They have developed the courage to ask for what they needed in terms of compensation and recognition of responsibilities (and gotten both). And they have learned how to release or reframe the negative internal stories holding them back so that they could improve their mindset and their work performance.  

They developed the belief that they can sustain this energy and built the tools to do so. 

I share some of their stories in their words around this site. 

Our time together is finite, but my goal is to help you get results and build a personal framework for yourself that can see you through sustainably in the future and develop the leadership legacy you desire. 

Coaching is a powerful tool that can lead you to transformation in your life and career. 

As your coach, I am a partner in our equitable relationship, meaning that I’m not there to tell you “what to do” or “give you advice” but to challenge and champion you as we work through your blocks. 

The biggest difference between coaching and mentorship or consulting is that the client (you!) is regarded as being creative, resourceful, whole, and very capable of discovering answers within yourself with coaching support.

My goal is always to create space for you to explore, offer accountability, and ask powerful questions that help you shift your perspective and mindset. All wrapped up in a framework that is the tool needed to get you moving forward!

I’m a coach, so I will always say that investing in yourself is a worthy endeavor!

Once we’re beyond our college and university years, investing in our development mostly falls on us. It becomes easy to spend years going through the motions and not stopping to reflect on if these motions are taking us in the direction we really want to go. 

I still remember the first time I invested in coaching. It was scary, exhilarating, and ultimately life-changing. 

The right investment in yourself moves you forward in more ways than one. Not only do you stop wasting precious time, there is something that shifts in your energy and mindset when you bet on yourself. 

Investing in coaching is betting on yourself.

Whether it is today, or further down the line, know that you are always worth it.

More questions?

What are you waiting for?

Take The Lead

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