3 Ideas For Networking As A Proud Introvert

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“I’m an introvert who hates the IDEA of networking…what can I do?”

Today’s question comes from a self-proclaimed introvert who says talking to random strangers for the sake of “networking is not her vibe.

Now, I know networking might not be everyone’s thing. Especially if you’re introverted, shy, or hate “small talk” but once you get to a certain place in your career, meeting new people and expanding your network is crucial. 

I’m from the South, so I naturally love talking to new people. I’m the perfect wing lady at any networking event! But since I can’t be there to hold you down, I’ll coach you through it with three ideas that can help even the most introverted person feel more confident in any networking situation. 

I break it down for you in this week’s video but scroll down to read instead. 

I hate the term “networking” because it sounds impersonal, but it’s truly about meaningful conversations. So, if you’re an introvert feeling the pressure to network, let me share three ideas that can make “networking” feel a lot less painful.

1. Choose the Right Event

If networking events seem overwhelming, make sure you’re attending the right ones. Opt for smaller, more intimate gatherings that allow for one-on-one conversations. Find events that align with your interests and energize you. It’s okay to prioritize your needs in these situations.

Ultimately, if you’re feeling comfortable, you will be able to have more fun! 

2. Seek Out Fellow Introverts

Arrived at an event solo? Look for someone else who seems a bit uneasy or is standing alone. Embrace your empathetic side and initiate a one-on-one conversation.

You’d be surprised how many people appreciate a friendly approach in these situations. Wouldn’t you? Go ahead and make the first move with someone who looks like they need help jumping into conversations, too. 

3. Craft Your Opening Line

The anxiety of approaching someone new can be daunting. Ease into it by preparing an opening line ahead of time. 

Stuck on ideas? Borrow my technique. 

Make eye contact, and if you sense an opportunity, introduce yourself with a friendly, “Hi, I’m [Your Name]. Do you mind if I crash your conversation?” It sets a positive tone and often opens the door for engaging discussions.

Remember, the key is to be genuine and find common ground. If you’re more comfortable listening initially, that’s perfectly fine. Look for openings to share your thoughts or reciprocate questions as the conversation unfolds.

Navigating networking as an introvert can be challenging, but you can do it! Don’t let your natural introversion or shyness stop you from embracing opportunities to connect, grow, and thrive in your career. 

Have a question that you want me to cover for Q&A? Contact me!

Hi, I'm Amber

I’m the Coach you call when you want to prioritize career success AND personal wellbeing. 

I love partnering with mid-career professionals, leaders, and entrepreneurs who are looking to reimagine all that their career can be. 

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Picture of by Amber J. Adams

by Amber J. Adams

Leadership & Career Development Coach. Wellness at Work Advocate. New Yorker.
