Question & Answers


How to Feel More Confident Speaking Up At Work!

Today’s question comes from a mid-career professional who says that despite really enjoying her job, she feels stuck when it comes to sharing her ideas and thoughts at work. There are three things she can do today to move herself forward.

Question & Answers

“The Money Is Great, But It’s A Job I Hate!”

Have you ever found yourself caught in the crossroads of a lucrative job that brings financial comfort but leaves you utterly unhappy? In a recent discussion, we explored a common dilemma – what do you do when the money is great, but the job is something you can’t stand?


When Should I Invest In Coaching?

“When should I invest in coaching?” is a question I get ALLLL the time!

The answer to “when” can be complex. There are some things you will never be “ready” for, but one clue is when the pain of staying the same finally outweighs the discomfort of change.